Apologetics discussion session 3 6-11-18
Tom Griffin
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“This is the youth apologetics curriculum that our church has been waiting for! It provides a great mix of comprehensive apologetics material woven on a thoughtful selection of important and applicable doctrine. The material is challenging but remains age appropriate, and the teaching manual is detailed and very practical. We can’t wait to launch this at our church.” — Professor Reitze Rodseth, Head of Clinical Anaesthetic Services, Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
“I’m very impressed with the Apologetics for Tweens curriculum produced by Thomas Griffin. The material is theologically sound, age appropriate and a great way to involve young people in learning why they believe what they believe. The material also helps children understand how to explain and defend Christianity to others. I’ve worked with children and youth for more than 45 years and highly recommend Apologetics for Tweens to Christian parents and teachers.” — Mark McGee, Regional Director of Ratio Christi